Aug 16, 2007

Warriors series

by Erin Hunter

Book 1: Into the Wild
A cat...a house cat keeps dreaming about chasing a mouse and then something happening. One day his dream comes true and he meets a free cat callled Lionheart. Our main character ends up becoming part of a clan and sets off on an adventure. I liked the adventure and setting of the forest and how they described things.
R.R. (5th gr.) 2007

Book 6: The Darkest Hour
This story is about Firestar (formerly known as Rusty the housecat, Firepaw, and Fireheart in earlier books in this series), the young leader of ThunderClan. (There are four clans in the forest, and they are all made of cats.) He and his clan must fight to save the forest from a vicious new clan, BloodClan. Can they save their beloved forest? I loved this book because of Erin Hunter's style of making things exciting. It was fun to try and figure out how the story would end. Erin's writing style makes the story flow. She also thinks up interesting characters, such as Tigerstar, the clan leader of ShadowClan. You really should read this book.
M.P. (6th gr.) 2006